Before You Make a Decision

Before You Make a Decision

Before you make a decision; this is what you need to do.
Search out your own heart to make sure that this is what God told you to do. 
If God is in it then it will all work together and will flow.
Take your time; don't get in a hurry. Make sure you are in peace when you go.
Not every door that is open is a sign that it is from the Lord.
Be sure to spend much time in prayer in order to follow him in one accord
Always remember to follow your heart and not only what you know in your head.
Even when things are looking good in your favor; still! you must be Spirit led.
The most important question is; Did God tell you to make that decision?
Or is it possible that you could be following your own vision.
Everyone needs to follow God in everything they do.
Follow him in business, work, ministry and even in marriage too.
Before marriage you need to take a look inside and say;
Is he or she the one? Are we committed to God together in the same way?
Make sure that you continue to follow God's call on your life,
before you make a decision to become a husband or a wife. 
Many marriages have failed because they were divided.
Because in the Spirit they realized that they were not equally united

Some have made decisions that have taken them out of the way

Because they didn’t follow the Spirit of God and went astray

So from this day forward you will need to make up your own mind

That you will not be led by the carnality of the flesh but stay connected to Jesus the vine