Stay With What You Know

Stay with what you know

Written Wed April 24, 2019

 Many have left the faith teachings and have strayed from what they know

 Their faith has been hindered and they will no longer spiritually grow

 They are constantly receiving the teachings polluted with unbelief and doubt

 And they wonder why things in their life are no longer working out

 Faith cannot increase when the Word of God is not acted upon

 Because they continue to listen to teachings that are not sound and is wrong

 They are looking for a big and greater ministry that seems to be on track

 But the word is not in full manifestation there and will cause them to walk in  spiritual lack

 Many of my people are moved by the spectacular of their speech, song and dance

 But when the Word of Faith is not taught there; their faith will not be enhanced

 Many will follow supernatural manifestations that are not coming from me

 They will continue to follow the doctrines of devils that will put them into bondage

 Return to the Word of faith from which you have always been a part of

 Then the blessings that you desire will come to you as you continue to walk in faith from heaven above

 So stay connected to the ones who brought you out of bondage and into the light

 And as you continue to follow the teachings that you know; you will win every faith fight.