Living in the End Times

Living in the End Times

Written by Pastor Moss April 14, 2019

 As it was in the days of Noah so it is today throughout the land.
Many have gone their own ways following after the enemy's command 

They are following their own flesh not knowing that time is at the end
The door of grace is about to close and yet they still refuse to enter in 

The alarm is now sounding and I am soon to return from heaven divine 
Then it will be too late for many for they will be left behind 
Look at the signs of the times  

For soon you will see me in the sky
When you see these things come to pass; know this your redemption draweth nigh 

In the last days the hearts of many will wax cold 
They will live like the world because they have strayed from the fold.

But the church will be more victorious as my people continue to follow me
They will enjoy the fruits of their salvation as they walk in victory.

Don't draw back when you see others who will turn away from the fold
You are living in the last days for this also has been foretold 

Many will depart from the faith and will give heed to a seducing spirit. 
And when the word of God is spoken to them; they will still refuse to hear it

Not everyone will remain faithful as time comes to an end 
They will go back to their own ways and continue to live in sin

Now is the time for you to spend some time with me
As you bathe in my word  and my presence; you will always remain free.

So encourage yourself and keep yourself ready for you are not alone. 
Soon and very soon; the trumpet will sound and I'm coming to bring you home