To love God with all your heart is to let Him be in control by putting Him first place

Jesus said to keep all His commandments and desire His Word to love and embrace

It is not some of self, or all of self. It is none of self and all of thee

Always keep God first place in your heart and know that the enemy will surely have to flee

Is He still the love of your life and your hero? Is He still your bright and morning star?

God has been good to you and through His love and grace have brought you thus far

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind, and you will always overcome

You will walk in victory all of days of your life and it will be full of joy, excitement and fun

Don't give up on your faith on what God has said because His Words will surely come to pass

Keep on trusting Him and let Him continue to be first place in your heart and not last

The things that you are going through are only temporary and soon the tide will turn in your favor

When darkness comes, the light in you will dispel the darkness when you stay in faith and refuse to waiver

Remember, that you are not alone for the battle is mine saith God, and the victory is yours

Keep fighting the good fight of faith, and stay steady in faith and keep moving forward

The things that you have been going through will pass because according to God’s Word you have won

You will look back and say with joy unspeakable and full of praise, Look what the Lord has done