If you are working with a pastor to serve and to protect, then be faithful there and reside

Always show honor and never do anything that could cause the ministry to divide

God did not just call a man and anointed him to lead and to feed the flock

God has also called and anointed other members to stand with him on solid rock

To honor your pastor is to show love, loyalty, faithfulness and to respect his position

Do not sow discord among the brethren when you disagree with him, and create division

Love worketh no ill to others, then go out to justify themselves by sowing discord

They are established in God's Word and will remain and continue to follow the Lord

Many churches have been hurt and wounded because of pride, jealousy and strife

Some left where they were planted because of offense and have suffered greatly in life

They did not follow God’s voice, but followed their own flesh and were misled

Because they chose to leave the sheepfold by refusing to remain and be fed

The Word of God says that love is not critical and love is the fulfilling of the law

We are to love one another as Christ loves the church. Everyone, one and all

Let Christ dwell in your heart by faith and be rooted and grounded in love toward one another

If you want your faith to work, then you will have to love God and also, love others

God has given to every local church a Shepherd to watch over His fold

Never make a decision to leave, unless God has specifically told you so

Do not associate with them who left the church because of their disagreements

They will tell you that they are not offended, but in reality they still have resentments

Always remain loyal to your pastor and don’t be influenced by what they say

Don’t join them in their conversations, so remain loyal and do not sway

Remain loyal, faithful, and dependable to where God has placed you

And follow God’s voice for His ways are peaceful, faithful and true

God has called every member in the local church to serve and to protect

So stay committed to where you are because it's God’s place for you to connect