Going Downstream

Going Downstream

In this world it is easy to float downstream and be carried by the current of the waves and you are only moving forward by just floating along

Letting your flesh carry you everywhere it wants to go and knowing where it is taking you is very dangerous and very wrong

There is no effort in going downstream; Just sit back and do nothing with an attitude such as; what will be will be

You don’t have to be faithful, pray, attend church, tithe, give or anything that requires any efforts in order for you to succeed

Many of God’s people do not want to commit to anything because they just want to float downstream and do nothing at all

They are enjoying the experience of their fleshly downstream journey and do not realize that straight ahead there is a water fall

Jesus said that you are in the world but you are not of the world because the world is going downstream

In order to serve the Lord effectively; you will need to repent and turn from your wicked ways and go back upstream

To go upstream is where all the blessings are because the Word of God says if you are willing and obedient; you shall eat the good of the land

This means you will need to be faithful, pray, attend church, tithe, give and whatever it takes to go upstream and enjoy your inheritance from the master’s hand

It is not easy sometimes to go upstream because of the current of the pressures of life that will come against you

But know that God is the strength of your life and the greater one lives in you and with his strength you will make it through

So keep fighting the good fight of faith during your travels upstream knowing that that Holy Spirit is in and with you to keep you refreshed

For the Word of God says; “This I say then; Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh”