Angels Working on Your Behalf

Angels Working on Your Behalf

There are more Angels working for you then demonic spirits working against you,

There are so many Angels you cannot count so speak with authority and give them something to do.

Angels have the authority to obey your commands when you speak the Word of the Lord.

They are all ministering spirits sent forth from God to help you to move forward.

These Angles are mighty in battle and with their help you will not suffer defeat,

Because Jesus defeated the enemy long ago and now the enemy is under your feet.

They are all ministering spirits, sent forth to serve those who have inherited salvation. 

They are on standby waiting for you to speak and they can move through any situation. 

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for some have entertained angels unaware.

No matter where you go Angels are commanded to go with you to assist you there. 

They are supernatural spiritual, heavenly beings sent forth to execute your commands. 

You have the Word, The Name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and also a Host of Angels so you have the upper hand. 

Bless the Lord ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. 

Always remember that you are not alone because Angels are with you so when you speak they will take heed to what they have heard. 

For God has given his Angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways, 

So rejoice and know that you are blessed of Lord to be able to overcome in all your days. 

They can appear visible and invisible and Angels; they observe us, 

For we are the Children of God and have been given his righteousness 

Angels are glorious, Immortal, Powerful and mighty in the battle of war

When you know they are with you; then it will encourage your faith to soar

Where the Word of a King is; there is authority 

God has crowned you with a crown so take control of the enemy 

So it’s time for you to rise up and take your place and no longer let the devil lord over you 

You are a blood bought Child of God, equipped with the power God with a Host of Angels and there is nothing impossible for you to do