How To Be Led By The Spirit

How To Be Led By The Spirit

Listen to your heart and hear what the Spirit of God has to say

And when you hear his still small voice; just say YES! I will obey

Blessings comes through obedience when his voice you have heard

As you quickly respond to the voice of the spoken word

God has given you wisdom; a reservoir on the inside of you

Never disobey him when he tells you certain things to do

In order for you to hear him and be spirit led

It will be so much easier when you pray and be spirit fed

In the heart of man; there is a wellspring of wisdom untold

As you pray in the spirit; it will come to the light and unfold

Your body is the temple where the Spirit of God reside

So take time and listen when he speaks to you from the inside

Many do not know the voice of the Holy Spirit

They don’t even recognize his voice even when they hear it

They make decisions that will take them astray

Because they didn’t follow the Spirit of God and went their own way

Let the word abide in you to teach you what you should know

Then learn how to follow his voice; you will then know how to flow

So be led by the Spirit and you will always know what to do

And on your journey of faith He will always be leading you